Today’s discussion is entitled, “The Righteousness of God Revealed From Faith to Faith—Its True Meaning and Reality for God’s People.” 

Why The Church Loves This Romans 1:17

Fundamentalists; traditionalists; and evangelicals absolutely love this passage. Why? Because according to these and their hyper-grace teachers, preachers and ministers, this passage is one of a handful that certifies Torah-keeping and living the set-apart lifestyle that we in the Messianic Faith walk out each and every day, has been done away with. Why do they believe that Torah-living is not something the redeemed of Christ should be doing? Because according to these, all one needs is God’s grace and faith to be in God’s good graces and to receive eternal life. Right? So there’s no need nor room in a believer’s life for Torah-keeping or Torah-living or the like. In fact, if you keep any part of Torah, you’ve fallen from grace because the one who keeps Torah has put their Faith in Torah as opposed to putting their Faith in God for their salvation.

As we’ve spoken about many times on this program, these vehemently hold to a “once saved always saved;” “just as you are; “free to live as you choose;” repeat after me “sinners prayer-based” salvation that has for all intents and purposes drawn countless millions down a road to destruction throughout the centuries.

Yet Again Paul is Falsely Accused of Spiritual Crimes he Didn’t Commit

And of course, the Apostle Paul is the one who stands falsely accused of being the architect for this mainstream Torah-less life of faith that so many have come to put their trust and eternal security in. And this is most unfortunate. It’s most unfortunate for a great many reasons; the least of which is that the truth of this matter is readily accessible to anyone who comes to Yah in faith having a pure heart, a contrite spirit, eyes to see and ears to hear, a teachable spirit; and a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Unfortunately today, it would seem that the Church Triumphant has stripped these character traits away from the would-be Child of Yah.

Many Are Misled By the Church’s False Interpretation of this Passage

Sadly, given the conventional wisdom as it relates to living lives consistent with Paul’s teachings, especially passages such as the one we’re looking at this evening—Romans 1:17—the chance of one actually having that special relationship with the Almighty, the life abundant and inclusion in the coming Kingdom of Yah is certainly a questionable one. Why would I say such a thing? Simply because the false conventional wisdom of the Church Triumphant naturally leads its members astray under the false pretense of religion. People are thus conditioned to place their trust and eternal security in the teachings, doctrines and traditions of the Church as opposed to placing their trust and eternal security in YHVH and His Son Yahoshua HaMashiyach. So the Church’s members follow the instructions and commandments of their denomination and religion and not the instructions and commandments of their Creator.

I Never Knew You Will Be the Result Far Too Many Will Hear in the End

What did Master teach regarding this very thing as it relates to the End Times?

“On that day many will say to me, ‘Master, Master, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? ‘And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’” (Matthew 7:22, 23; ESV).

Why should such a heart wrenching thing have to happen to any would-be believer in Messiah when the Bible clearly tells the would-be believer who he/she must follow and believe?

I’ll tell you why? Because people have itching ears that cause them to accumulate unto themselves teachers that suit their own passions and that turn them away from listening to the truth and to wander off into myths (2 Timothy 4:3, 4; ESV). The human soul is naturally rebellious towards the things and ways of the Most High. It has a hardened heart that prevents the would be believer from willfully following in the Ways that Father has prescribed in His Word for His Elect to keep and walk-out. Therefore, for most individuals in the world, apart from one adopting atheism or some religion other than Christianity, the Church is the most appealing option for them because it does not require its members serve Yah, but instead, serve themselves and serve the organization.

 The Normative Value of Romans 1:17

The central truth that the Apostle Paul was attempting to convey to his Roman readers here in this passage is a normative one. The central truth of Romans 1:17 is normative because it applies across the board to any person seeking a true and substantive relationship with the Creator of the Universe and whose ultimate goal it is to enter the Kingdom of Yah. For in these two-verses, two of the greatest components of a would-be believer and follower of Messiah’s life are discussed: righteousness and faith.

Faith and Righteousness Are Crucial for Salvation and Relationship With the Almighty

The truth of the matter is that without both “righteousness” and “faith,” none of what we’ve been talking about is possible.

Interestingly, the so-called Christian and his “Torah-focused” counterpart, firmly believe they have the faith and the righteousness all checked off on their list of requirements for salvation. The Christian believes that he/she has salvation because they possess a cognitive understanding that Jesus existed and that He died for their sins and because of Christ’s sacrifice, salvation requiring “righteousness” has been inputted (I.e., granted; applied) to them. And because of this gift or because of God’s grace, nothing more is required of them in order for them to receive eternal life. So for all intents and purposes, these live a lawless life.

The Torah-focused-soul, on the other hand, believes in the centrality of keeping Torah and in many cases Talmudic traditions and laws. These see their righteousness coming from their keeping and walking out of Torah with no true acknowledgment of God’s grace being applied to their life-situation.

Both sides’ understanding of this and other similar Pauline passages are unfortunately living out their faith in great error. And if any of us happen to be living out our faith under one of these error-ridden situations, well, hopefully, after this discussion we will be in a better position to assess our respective spiritual lives and make the necessary adjustments to our understanding and walk. For without faith, it is impossible to please Yah. And without being in a right-standing relationship with our Creator, there is no chance for one to enter the Kingdom of Yah. It’s just that simple.


Recognizing True Biblical Saving Grace


Despite what the religious mainstreamers may say Romans 1:17 means to today’s believer, the reality of what this verse should truly mean to Yah’s set-apart people requires one to be able to recognize what true, biblical saving faith consist of, and what Abba requires of all people to receive His gift of salvation. And once we understand what the Bible truly says about these critical things, we will be well equipped to accurately interpret our focus passage.

 Begin Unpacking the Focus Passage


Our focus passage reads as follows:


For therein (Paul is contextually speaking about the Gospel here) is the righteousness of Yah revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17).


According to Paul, the Gospel (which we learned from verse 16), has the absolute power to bring people to salvation. Whether we realize it or not, unconverted people are in a depraved and desperate situation. Because of sin, every man, woman and child is ultimately destined for eternal damnation. Only Yah’s Gospel has the power and wherewithal to deliver the unconverted person from their hopeless state on over to eternal life.

 Yah’s Righteousness Revealed in the Gospel

Thus the Gospel, in addition to its power to save people, reveals Yah’s righteousness to the world.


How does the power that is contained in the Gospel save people? Well, the power the Gospel contains is that which makes the unconverted person righteous in Yah’s sight. And because righteousness is a requirement for salvation, there is no other means by which a person qualifies for salvation. People, however, are naturally incapable of turning to Yah on their own to receive this required righteousness. For the ways and means of Yah seem or appear foolish to people. Of this very thing, the apostle wrote:


“For the word of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of Yah” (1 Corinthians 1:18).

 The Carnal and the Converted

The problem is not that people aren’t capable of understanding who Yah is. Neither is the unconverted incapable of understanding just how desperate their eternal life situation is. For the unconverted person generally recognizes that there is a Creator out there who holds the power of all creation in His hands. These also recognize that they have no control over what happens to their souls when they die. Thus there is a very real fear of death and the grave that is implanted in every person. And the only hope people have for life beyond this life is found only in the power of the Creator of the Universe to reverse death and make one an eternal being. 


The problem is that people on their own are incapable of truly turning to Yah because their hearts are “desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). Master described the nature of the wicked heart as such:


“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man” (Mark 7:21-23). (Recall that Yah does not tolerate impurity or defilement in His Holy presence. So a defiled person as Yeshua mentioned here can never have a relationship with YHVH unless he/she makes the critical decision to accept the Creator’s provision for making them pure so that they may have that relationship with their Creator.)


Paul informed the Corinthian Messianics the following regarding unconverted peoples’ eternal situation:


“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of Yah? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of Yah” (1 Corinthians 6:9).


Indeed, only the righteous will be admitted into the Kingdom of Yah:


“Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father…” (Matthew 13:43).


 The Wicked Heart is Incompatible With the Holy and Righteousness Nature of God

The wicked heart is incompatible with the holy and righteous nature of YHVH. Because of peoples’ wicked, unconverted hearts, it is then impossible to have a true and substantive relationship with the Creator of the Universe nor will they receive eternal life. That is, it is impossible for one to have such a relationship with the Almighty outside the provisions that the Creator made to address the wicked heart and nature of people. And that provision that addresses the unconverted heart and making one righteous before YHVH is founded in the Gospel that Yeshua and Paul taught and preached.

 The Gospel Can Change the Wicked Heart of the Unconverted

One of the provisions contained in the Gospel is Yah’s power to change the wicked heart of people. This is all accomplished exclusively through the preaching of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 1:21):


“For Yah’s wisdom ordained that the world, using its own wisdom, would not come to know Him. Therefore Yah decided to use the ‘nonsense’ of what we proclaim (I.e., the instrument of preaching the Gospel of Yah) as His means of saving those who come to trust in it.”


Thus, Yah brings that crucial change to people’s hearts through the instrument of the preaching of the Gospel.

 The Power of Preaching the Gospel

So the preaching of the Gospel has the immense power to save people. That power that is contained within the Gospel of Yah that brings one to a right-relationship with the Creator of the Universe is the same power that brought creation into existence and raised our Master from the dead and that will also transform Yah’s Elect into glorified spirit-beings. And also contained within that Gospel Message is the righteousness of Yah. The righteousness of Yah, according to Paul, is an essential element to one’s salvation.

Discerning Greek Righteousness from Hebrew Righteousness 

What does Paul mean by the “Righteousness of Yah?” Righteousness means to be “right” or “accepted.” The righteousness of Yah in the Greek is “dikaiosune gar Theos.” The Greek meaning of “dikaiosune” (I.e., righteous/righteousness) is somewhat watered down when compared to the Hebrew term for righteous/righteousness which is “Tzedek.” Tzedek speaks to actions that fulfills God’s-given obligations in the Torah,” or “the demands of a particular relationship.” In other words, the Hebrew term Tzedek is more of an action word than simply a state of being. More so, the Greek concept of righteous or righteousness suggests that one is found to be in an acceptable, proper or right state as it relates to established rules or expectations. The Hebrew concept of righteous/righteousness, on the other hand, suggests that because one finds themselves in an acceptable, proper or right state, he or she will naturally conduct themselves according to the expectations or established rules of whatever Person is in charge.


Tzadik speaks to individuals whose conduct and character conform to the administration of justice, or refer to one’s particular status within the community; I.e., innocent or justified. In so being innocent or justified, the Tzadik conducts him/herself accordingly.

 How is God’s Righteousness Revealed in the Gospel?

So the questions that must be asked as it relates to Paul’s statement that Yah’s righteousness is revealed in the Gospel: Is Paul writing about Yah’s righteous character? Is Paul referring to one living a righteous life here on earth that imitates the righteousness of Yah? Or is Paul referring to one’s “right standing before Yah;” that being what is popularly referred to among Christian scholars as an “inputted righteousness;” that being Yah unilaterally assigns or awards a state of righteousness or right standing to the unconverted individual? Unfortunately, this is where it gets a little confusing for some, especially confusing for those who have not been able to give up the Christian-based anti-Torah doctrine.

 Righteousness as a Descriptor


The righteous or righteousness that the apostle writes about here, when used as an adjective—that which describes a person, speaks to the saved individual “having been acquitted of guilt by the court of heaven” (Tim Hegg; Romans Commentary). In this sense, Yah has conferred upon the saved person a “righteous” standing. That “righteous standing” leads to a righteous character through the lifelong sanctification process. Remember we just talked about the Hebrew concept of righteous and righteousness being an action word: the righteous status of the individual being naturally leads the converted into a life of obedience and Godly character. Recall also back in verse 5 (I.e., our discussion entitled “Obedience of Faith”) that we expounded upon the apostle’s calling to be the apostle to the Gentiles whose purpose was to bring Gentiles into an obedience of Faith. In other words, Paul’s preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles was intended to bring them, through the power of the Gospel, to a right-standing with YHVH, and by virtue of them coming in to that righteous standing before YHVH, they would natural begin walking out Torah in obedience of their faith profession.

 Imputed Righteousness


The “Righteousness of Yah” as mentioned here in our focus passage simply means that Yah, through the atoning work of His Son Yahoshua HaMashiyach, which is all contained in the Gospel of Yah, has appointed or assigned a status of “righteous” or “righteousness” upon those who believe in the Gospel Message. And as a result of one’s belief in the Gospel Message—the work of Yeshua Messiah—Yah’s ability to save him/her—the redeemed individual receives in place of their death-sentence an acquittal because the Creator has deemed them righteous because of their Faith in Him. The simple act of turning one’s life over to the Creator of the Universe is all that is required to receive right standing before YHVH our Elohim. There is absolutely nothing that people can do on their own to receive that critical/crucial righteousness that is required for eternal life and entry into the Kingdom of Yah. This is a gift—grace—Yah’s unmerited favor—originating from the Creator of the Universe down to any human who is willing to turn their lives over to Him:


“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of Yah” (Ephesians 2:8).

 Where Does Torah-Keeping Come In?

So where does Torah-keeping come into play in relation to one becoming righteous in the sight of Yah because of one’s faith in the Creator and the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua Messiah? Well, the righteousness that Paul is writing about—that righteousness that has been inputted to the person who through Faith turns their lives over to Yah–then naturally begins living a Godly life. The very principles of what living a Godly life is supposed to look like is found in Torah and in the teachings and example of Yahoshua Messiah. Any other lifestyle one would seek to live apart from Torah and the teachings and example of Yeshua Messiah is incompatible with the Ways and desires of YHVH. Peoples’ ways are simply incompatible with the Ways of Yah:


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My Ways, saith YHVH. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My Ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8, 9).


So the converted person is compelled to adopt and walk out Yah’s ways in their lives, contrary to what the Fundamentalists teach. Although salvation can never be earned through the keeping of Torah, salvation cannot become a reality in a believer’s existence unless they keep Yah’s Word (through the help and guidance of Yah’s Spirit working through a circumcised heart).


Master told the Rich You Man who questioned Him about what it would take for him to enter the Kingdom of Yah:


“…but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments” (Matthew 19:17).


Paul said something similar to this when he wrote to the Corinthians the following:


“For it makes no difference whether or not a man has been circumcised. The important thing is to keep Yah’s commandments” (1 Corinthians 7:19).


Well, so much for those who accuse Paul for disavowing the requirement of Torah-living for the set-apart people of Yah.

 The Biblical Meaning of the Righteousness of God is Revealed from Faith to Faith?


So what about the Apostle’s statement that the Righteousness of Yah is revealed to the converted person “From faith to faith, as it is written, the just shall live by faith?”


Paul in this verse is referencing Habakkuk 2:4


”Behold, his soul which is lifted upright in him (I.e., specifically speaking about the arrogance of the Chaldean nation and her army), but the just (I.e., Tzedek, the righteous one) shall live by his faith.”


This statement that the righteous or just will live by faith specifically applies to the individual who accepts and submits to Yah’s Word. That submission, which is based on the individual’s faith in Yah and the work of Yeshua Messiah, leads to life eternal; entry into the Kingdom of Yah.


Now, that Righteousness of Yah that Paul is writing about here is revealed in the Gospel. The process by which one is made righteous before Yah begins and is dependent upon the individual’s faith.


Thus, one’s righteousness (I.e., one’s right-standing before YHVH) comes about through that person’s faith in the work and teachings of Messiah (by faith righteousness). From there, the converted soul is compelled to live in accordance with their faith. Faith is also an action word. When one has faith in something, he or she will behave accordingly. And so righteousness is received only through the exercise of one’s faith.

 Habakkuk 2:4 and Galatians 3:11 in Relation to Romans 1:17

When we compare and contrast Habakkuk 2:4 with the Roman’s companion verse, Galatians 3:11, we learn that “no one is justified by Torah before Yah.” Faith here is put over against “works of Torah” as the means by which people are justified or made righteous. Regardless what some in our Faith may believe, faith has always been Yah’s way of declaring people righteous (e.g., Avraham—Abraham’s faith was reckoned to Abraham by Yah as righteousness. Abraham believed Yah and because of Abraham’s trust in Yah, which led to Abraham’s obedience to Yah’s instructions and commands, Yah reckoned unto Abraham a state of righteousness before Him—Romans 4:9). This whole thing is a gift, which is otherwise known as grace. This gift of Yah makes it so that anyone who is willing to submit to Yah’s revealed Truth (I.e., Yah’s Torah) and live in accordance with it, will receive the opportunity to receive and enter the Kingdom of Yah and have a relationship with the Most High. That submitting that is required is of course an act of Faith. That act of submission leads to one conducting themselves in this life in accordance with Yah’s established Ways which are recorded in His Torah and in the teachings and example of Yeshua Messiah. However, on his/her own, people are incapable of submitting to Yah’s Ways. Such submission requires initiating faith that will begin a process whereby the convert’s heart is changed to a place whereby he/she earnestly desires to please their God and walk in the Ways that He established for them to walk in.

 Faith Comes Before Obedience of Faith

An easy way to understand this is simply this: it’s all about a sequence and order. One must first come to Yah in Faith. Then Yah provides him/her the means by which to walk out their lives in accordance with His ways. Faith first, then obedience will follow. 


Habakkuk’s definition of faith (in the Hebrew faith is ‘emunah) is that it is a way of behaving that is born of “inner stability, conscientiousness;” “an inner attitude and the conduct that attitude produces” (Tim Hegg). Thus faith is not just a mental exercise as the fundamentalists have conditioned millions throughout history to view faith. True faith involves the deeds which faith produces.

 Justification and Obedience

One is justified by how one lives (James 2:21—I.e., Abraham’s willing obedience to Yah’s commands which came about as a result of His Faith in Yah). God-given faith produces life in a person; urges growth and brings about salvation. Thus, God-given faith produces faithfulness, which is a life-long process (I.e., the sanctification process). So when Paul writes that the righteousness of Yah is revealed from faith to faith, he’s writing about one growing in faith toward Yah—I.e., the sanctification process. What Paul is referring to here  is a lasting faith whereby one grows in his/her faithfulness (I.e., his/her commitment, trust, obedience) toward Yah and his/her fellow man. Within the confines of this special saving faith, there is no falling away (Rom. 8:24-30). Neither is there carnality. If carnality surfaces, the child of Yah is convicted and immediately seeks Yah’s forgiveness and turns from their carnality, never to repeat it again. Thus, there is a steadfast faithfulness to Yah’s Word, otherwise referred to as an “Obedience of Faith” (Romans 1:5).


But it must be realized by one who determines to enter this life of faith that the saving grace that comes only from Yah can only take hold when he/she decides to “die to self.”  What is this “dying to self” really about? Paul explains it quite well in Ephesians. The Apostle wrote:


“And that ye put on the new man, which after Yah is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor; for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil. Let him that  stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to  the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of Yah, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as Yah for Messiah’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:24-32).


All of the carnality that Paul list here is natural behavior to the unconverted soul. Yet the Apostle is telling the Ephesians (and by extension us today) that we no longer are to practice such things in our lives as we once did. In fact, he told the Corinthians that they no longer had the right to live according to their old ways because they now belonged to another Master:


“What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of Yah, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify Yah in your body, and in your spirit, which are Yah’s” (1 Corinthians 6:19).


And this all stems from our Faith that ultimately leads to our obedience of Faith.


 Closing and Call to Action

Well, I pray that this brief discussion will strengthen and enhance your understanding of Paul’s teachings on faith and righteousness. And what we’ve discovered in this discussion is that Romans 1:17 is in no way a proof-passage related to a rejection of a set-apart lifestyle of Torah-keeping. To the contrary, we’ve learned that Torah-living is evidence of our faith in the atoning work of Yeshua Messiah and in the saving grace of our heavenly Father.

Father, through His Gospel, revealed his righteousness to the world. That righteousness shows the world that He did not abandon His human creation to eternal damnation. Rather, the Gospel has the power to permanently and profoundly alter the lives and eternal destinies of those who believe in Him and His Ways such that he/she may live in covenant harmony with their Creator and enter His coming Kingdom.