Shabbat Shalom

Greetings beloved, on this glorious set-apart day from the DFW. My sincerest hope, trust, and prayer is that this reboot of Torah Reading 90 will be a tremendous blessing to you in these troublesome times were living.

This Week’s Reading as a Reboot

This week’s reading is contained in Leviticus/Vayiqra 19:1-20:27.

I posted a teaching on this reading back in 2019. I entitled it Being Holy in the Midst of an Evil and Adulterous Generation.” And as I considered whether I should write and post a fresh blog on this reading, I felt led to go ahead and repurpose this discussion.

Are We Living in the End Times?

I fervently believe that as we progress into what I believe to be the End Times, these Readings are indeed for such a time as these.

This reading is extremely pertinent to any with a heart, mind, and soul that is even remotely interested in walking in the Creator’s instructions in righteousness. Why?

Picking-up Where the Church Dropped the Ball

The Church Triumphant has miserably failed in her Messiah-given mandate to make disciples of every nation and people on this planet. In so doing, she was commanded to teach the nations what Yahoshua taught them through His set-apart apostles. To be a perpetual resource and reference for righteous living and to herald the coming Malchut Elohim (Matthew 28:19-20).

The Scourge of Woke Ideology

Today, the moral compass by which most of the Bible-influenced nations of the world once lived has been replaced by today’s abominable “woke” ideology. Sadly, that which Yah established as good is overwhelmingly accepted as bad or evil. And that which Yah established as bad or evil is now accepted by many as good (Isaiah 5:20). Thus, I fear that the Western world has irreversibly crossed the Rubicon, leaving behind true “wokeness” that comes only through Yehovah’s eternal words of truth and righteousness.

Yeshua’s Mandate to His Disciples

Master proclaimed that we, His disciples, are intended to be salt and light to this sick and dying world (Matthew 5:13-16). And so, as we learn of Yah and His ways each week through our reading and study of His instructions in righteousness and walk out these instructions in Spirit and in Truth as He modeled and taught us, we actively do that which the Church has so miserably failed to do.

Beloved, we don’t have to become renowned expositors and preachers of Yah’s Word in order to fulfill the Master’s Gospel mandate for His set-apart ones unless Yah has selected us to do so. For most of us, we are simply called to live/walk in the Faith that He has called us to (Habakkuk 2:4) and reflect the love of the Creator and His Son to all who come into our sphere of influence. More so, we are to remain set apart in the midst of this evil and adulterous generation.

Let’s Us Who are Called by Yah’s Name Persist in Being Set-Apart

My intent in rebooting this post for you on this Shabbat is not so much to inform you as I’m certain that those who are drawn to this ministry website are already very much aware of the instructions contained in this reading. Moreover, my reason for this reboot is to encourage us all to, as the world doubles down in walking in their perverse ways, double down in the righteousness that Yah has called His elect ones to walk in. In a nutshell: Be holy as He is holy (Leviticus/Vayiqra 20:7; 1 Peter 1:14-15).

And with that, here is “Being Holy in the Midst of an Evil and Adulterous Generation.”

Shabbat Shalom Beloved.